Railroad Island Neighborhood Group
Railroad Island Task Force
January 25, 2018 * 6:00 PM
Hope Community Academy – Cafeteria, 720 Payne Avenue, 55130
January 2018 Meeting
Agenda Summary
1) What to do with Remainder of CVZ $$$?
After the Overlook is completed, there will be money left over from the CVZ grant. How can we use it to promote Commercial Vitality in our neighborhood?
2) Share Your Ideas for RRI Development:
Hoodstarter Community Ideas Gathering Campaign
for how to develop vacant/available City-owned properties.
What would you like to see in the neighborhood?
SHARE YOUR IDEAS and VOTE on YOUR NEIGHBOR’s IDEAs: https://msp.hoodstarter.com
3) Volunteer to Shovel a Neighbor Elder’s Sidewalk
East Side Elders looking to connect volunteers with neighborhood Seniors who need help with shoveling their walks.
Rebecca Nelson from East Side Elders will be there to tell us more.
We Build a Better Neighborhood By Building It Together
Mike Pennig & Don Lorr
Co-Chairs, Railroad Island Neighborhood Group (RRITF)
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