Multicultural Community Dinner Jan2018

Community-wide Event

Highwood Hills Elementary School, 2188 Londin Lane, St. Paul 55119

Multicultural STRONG Hands Across 35-E Social

Multicultural dinner to strengthen our community bonds, one conversation at a time.

An evening of free food, conversation, and building relationships, old and new.  Co-hosted by East African Community Association of USA, Saint Paul STRONG, and Neighbors for a Livable Saint Paul.

Members of our community have the desire to get to know one another and reassure our neighbors that all are welcome in St. Paul, Minnesota. In that spirit, multicultural dinners have been held in the past year to build community and get to know one another. When we know, we understand, and when we understand, we are more thoughtful and less fearful.

The hosts of the past community dinners, the Steering Committee of Saint Paul STRONG, and folks who want to connect our communities across all borders and boundaries, including 35-E, welcome you to join us.


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