Get Outta the Gully
Community-wide Event
May 4, 2024 * 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Arcade Street and Neid Lane, and at the East Side YMCA
Unbelievably, MetroTransit thinks it a good idea to put our neighborhood’s new transit station waaaaaaaay far away from all the people, businesses and activity. In a place where no one can get to it and no one wants to go to catch the bus. It makes no sense.
So we gotta meet up, get together to tell them loud and clear…
Move our Purple Line Station back up to Arcade Street!
Here’s why…
We need transit. Connectivity counts. Meet us where we are, not off in a field.
No one wants to go off in a field to stand alone and wait. There’s safety up on the street where we can all see and be seen.
Not everyone has an easy time walking. Arcade Station needs to be in a place where everybody can get there easily, not just young and able-bodied people. Every body!
We’re excited about electric buses, but if Arcade Station is inaccessible or unsafe, it just encourages people to keep driving (and keep polluting)
Arcade Station can generate business improvements and spur new housing too – but only if its integrated into the neighborhood fabric.
JOIN US: Saturday, May 4th, 9-12 noon at the corner of Arcade St and Neid Lane and at the East Side YMCA.
Free coffee. Free breakfast. Letter writing to our elected officials. Community advocacy. Making it happen, by the East Side for the East Side!
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