PABA Meeting – Bike Lanes on Payne

Flat Earth Brewery - 688 East Minnehaha

Informational Meeting About Bicycle Lanes


The community has a chance next week to learn a little more about the bicycle lanes that are being proposed for Payne Avenue. On March 15th there will be a discussion during the Membership Meeting of the Payne Arcade Business Association (PABA) about the proposed bicycle lanes proposed by some residents.


Also featured will be Guest Speaker Kathy Lantry, Public Works Director for the City of St. Paul who will be providing information about planned developments for lower Payne Avenue and respond to questions and business concerns.


The PABA meeting will take place on Tuesday, March 15 from 5:30-7:30 at Flat Earth Brewery,  688 E. Minnehaha and is open to the public.


Time will be provided to get to know other business  owners — bring your business cards!

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