Statement on committees:

At its November meeting, the Payne Phalen District Five Planning Council Board of Directors decided to change its committee structure.  Specifically, the Board chose to handle Land Use, Transportation, and Environmental issues at regular Board meetings, thus eliminating the need for separate committees for these areas.  The Board took this action for several reasons.  First, during our current process of creating a District Plan, the Board thought it would be useful to integrate the work of these committees more closely with the work of the Board.  Second, at a time of significant transition for the organization, it makes sense to reevaluate what sort of committee structure will work best for the long term to meet our goals of broad community involvement and input from all the people of District Five.  In the short term, this means having the Board as a whole take up the work of these committees to better understand the issues and facilitate our internal process for creating a more inclusive structure.

The Board realizes that change is difficult and recognizes that some community members felt a sense of loss over these changes in long-held committee structures.  We continue to welcome all community members to our monthly public Board meetings where they can express their views about Land Use, Transportation, Environmental, or any other issues.  We commit to listen to them.

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