Emerald Ash Borer removal update

EAB update from the City of St. Paul:

Work to remove ROW/boulevard trees is well underway. Due to the continuing spread of the infestation, the 2017 structured removals will focus exclusively on confirmed infested trees.

Postcard notifications were sent (in mid-December) to residents in known removal areas indicating that work would begin in early 2017.  Maps of areas where removals will take place, as well as other EAB related information and FAQ’s are available online at stpaul.gov/EAB

Staff began placing green ribbon with the message “Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) Kills Ash Trees; www.stpaul.gov/eab)” around ash trees in high-volume areas in order to promote awareness.  The plan is to have this campaign go citywide over the next several months.  The green ribbons do not indicate that the marked trees are slated for immediate removal, but since they are ash trees they will eventually be removed as a part of the EAB management plan.

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